Title: Online Late Start Curriculum Schedule Printed on: May 16, 2024 at 2:14 PM
Section Name Short Title Building Room Days Start Time End Time Meeting Start Dates Meeting End Dates FAC NAME Comments
DMA-025-IN11 Applications With Real Numbers INMC ONLINE       Jun 20, 2024 Jul 23, 2024 Anna Anaya-Vega ($122.23 e-textbook fee included)
Must complete an application to be registered for
the course. Applications are available
in WLC 231 or by email to tjbishop@waynecc.edu.
DMA-045-IN11 Linear Equations/Inequalities INMC ONLINE       Jun 20, 2024 Jul 23, 2024 Tammy Bishop ($122.23 e-textbook fee included)
Must complete an application to be registered for
the course. Applications are available in WLC 231
or by email to tjbishop@waynecc.edu.
EGR-110-IN01 Intro to Engineering Tech INMC ONLINE       Jun 10, 2024 Jul 23, 2024 Steven Reese (srreese@waynecc.edu)
Number of Records: 3 Launched by: Rebecca Barnes